
Root Kill

It is a non-selective systemic herbicide that controls a broad spectrum of weeds and grasses by inhibiting the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), which is essential for the synthesis of amino acids needed for plant growth. This disruption leads to the death of the targeted plants.
Broad-Spectrum Control: Glyphosate is effective against a wide variety of weeds, including many annual and perennial species.
Systemic Action: Glyphosate is absorbed by the plant and moves through its vascular system, allowing it to kill the entire plant, including the roots.
Reduced Soil Tillage: Glyphosate use can reduce the need for tillage, which can help in soil conservation and reduce soil erosion.
Available Pack size : LTR
Active Ingredient : Glyphosate
Formulation : 48% (SL)
Crops :Sugarcane
Weeds: Weeds of sugarcane
Dosage per acre :LTR