
Pink Killer

An organophosphate insecticide that controls pests by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme crucial for proper nerve function. This inhibition causes an accumulation of acetylcholine, leading to continuous nerve signal transmission, paralysis, and death of the pests.
It is valued for its effective pest control capabilities, contributing to better crop health and increased agricultural productivity.
Available Pack size :LTR
Active Ingredient : Triazophos
Formulation : 40% (EC)
Crops :Cotton, Vegetables, Rice, Mazie, Citrus, Tomatoes, Fruits
Pests :Whitefly, Pink bollworm, Spotted Bollworm, Stem Borers, Leaf Folders, Green Leaf Hopper, Hispa, Brown plant hopper, Gridle Beetles,  Leaf minors
Dosage per acre :LTR