

Works by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system. This inhibition leads to an accumulation of acetylcholine in the nerve synapses, causing continuous nerve signal transmission. The excessive nerve signaling results in muscle twitching, paralysis, and eventually death of the insect.
Broad-Spectrum Control: Provides effective control over a diverse array of pests, making it useful for multiple crop types.
Systemic Action: Can be absorbed by plants, offering protection to all parts of the plant.
Rapid Action: Generally acts quickly to reduce pest populations.
Available Pack size :250ml, LTR
Active Ingredient :Chlorpyrifos
Formulation : 40% (EC)
Crops :Corn, Soybeans, Fruit trees, Vegetables, Cotton, Mango.
Pests :Thrips,  Leaf minors, Aphid, Stem Borer, Root Borer, Mango Seed Weevil.
Dosage per acre : 250ml