

Fungicide that targets a broad spectrum of fungal diseasesthrough two mechanisms:
Works by inhibiting the enzyme systems necessary for fungal cell wall synthesis and growth, disrupting fungal development and preventing the spread of diseases. And also inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol, a critical component of fungal cell membranes, leading to compromised cell integrity and fungal death.
Broad-Spectrum Control: The combination offers enhanced control of a wide variety of fungal pathogens.
Systemic Action: Both fungicides provide systemic protection, moving within the plant to protect new growth.
Resistance Management: Using two fungicides with different modes of action helps delay the development of resistance in fungal populations.
Preventive and Curative: The combination provides both preventive and curative control, protecting plants from infection and stopping the progression of existing diseases.
Available Pack size : 180ml
Active Ingredient : Isoprothiolane+ Propiconazole
Formulation : 35% (EW)
Crops :Cotton, Vegetables, Rice, Fruits, Maize.
Pests : Rice Blast, Rust Diseases, Leaf Spot Diseases, Powdery Mildew
Dosage per acre : 180ml