

This is a combination of two fungicide that controls a wide range of fungal diseases through dual mechanisms:
it inhibits the synthesis of fungal RNA, disrupting cell growth and reproduction, and  it inhibits multiple enzyme systems, preventing spore germination and mycelial growth.
Broad-Spectrum Control: The combination provides comprehensive control over a wide range of fungal pathogens, including both oomycetes and other fungi.
Systemic and Contact Action: Metalaxyl offers systemic control by moving within the plant, while Mancozeb provides protective contact action on the plant's surface.
Resistance Management: Combining two fungicides with different modes of action helps delay the development of resistance in fungal populations.
Preventive and Curative: Offers both preventive and curative control, protecting plants from initial infections and stopping the progression of existing diseases.
Available Pack size : 250GM, 25KG
Active Ingredient : Metalaxyl+ Mancozeb
Formulation : 72% (WP)
Crops :Cotton, Vegetables, Grapes, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Maize, Sugarcane, Wheat, Rice, Fruits
Pests :Downy mildew, Phytophthora, White Rust, Pythium, Powdery Mildew
Dosage per acre : 250GM